The methodology of the online Master in Strategy and Digital Creativity is based on an education model in which asynchronous communication (in delayed time) is combined with synchronous communication (in real time). This allows greater flexibility in access to content (multimedia: videos, tutorials, etc., and textual: teaching material and bibliography) and better integration for collaborative and individual work.
First course
This course is professionally oriented. The methodology combines theoretical aspects and presentation of practical cases by a teaching staff made up of prestigious professors and professionals in the digital communication industry who will share their knowledge with you. During this stage, according to a schedule, you will work on specific practices individually and in pairs. As a final course project, you will develop a comprehensive digital communication campaign for a real client.
Second course
In the second year you will carry out a research work on the specific topic you choose, related to strategy and digital creativity. You will learn about the use of tools and methods to develop your points of view and deepen on the topic you have chosen.
Eduard Bonet | Dr. D. Roca
Faculty of communication sciences.
Campus UAB - 08193 Bellaterra - Barcelona, Spain
M - F from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
+34 93 581 28 65
Campus UAB - 08193 Bellaterra - Barcelona, Spain
M - F from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
+34 93 581 28 65